Should I Be Eating… ?

food-index-165Choose from hundreds of foods, from almonds to zucchini, and find out their effects on your health.

Find out the hidden health benefits in your favorite foods. Browse the index from A to Z and discover the powerful nutrients, vitamins, and minerals each food contains — plus the medical conditions and concerns these foods can help treat.

  • Tangerines
    Tangerines are a variety of mandarin oranges, smaller than navel oranges and easier to peel and eat. Like oranges, tangerines are a good source of vitamin C, an antioxidant found in many fruits that helps prevent and manage arthritis, cataracts, and macular degeneration, and maintain healthy hair and skin. Like most fruit, they provide high-quality carbohydrates and are made up of mostly water, making them a good addition to a weight-loss plan. Because tangerines and other citrus fruits are possible triggers for IBS and migraine headaches avoid them if they are problematic for you.
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  • Tempeh
    Tempeh is a soy product that is made by fermenting soybeans and binding the fermented whole beans together into a cake form. Tempeh has a savory flavor and firm texture and for these reasons is used as a meat substitute in vegetarian cuisine. Because the whole soybean is retained, tempeh is rich in protein, fiber, and heart-healthy fats, making it a stellar protein choice for weight lossand weight management, as well as prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Like other soy foods, tempeh contains isoflavones, phytoestrogens that some research suggests may help increase bone density and ...
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  • Tequila
    Tequila is a hard alcohol that is often mixed with other drinks or consumed straight up. Either way, it can pack on the pounds (especially when combined with high-calorie, sugary mixers), increase already high triglycerides, and interfere with sleep. It is best to limit tequila and other alcoholic beverages, especially if you are trying to lose weight, have type 2 diabetes or gout, or experience irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). That said, drinking moderate amounts of alcohol has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke and boost HDL (good) cholesterol. If you don't already drink, don't start, and if you...
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  • Thyme
    Thyme is a fragrant herb with very small, delicate leaves and a lemony flavor. It is great in egg, bean, chicken, and vegetable dishes as well as stews and soups, and it can be found fresh and dried. Like other herbs, thyme adds flavor to your food without adding sodium, calories, and fat.
    Read more about herbs and spices
  • Tilapia
    Tilapia is a mild-flavored, white-fleshed fish and is a terrific, low-calorie source of lean protein, making it a great food to enjoy for weight loss or if you are at risk of cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes. The protein found in tilapia can also help moderate your mood by slowing the absorption of carbohydrates and keeping blood-sugar levels stable. To maintain the health benefits of tilapia, bake, grill, or roast the fish rather than frying it. (Note: US farmed is the most sustainable choice.)
    Read more about fish and shellfish
  • Tomato Juice
    While tomatoes are a good source of potassium, a mineral that may help reduce blood pressure and risk of osteoporosis, commercial tomato juice tends to be very high in sodium. Therefore, people with high blood pressure should avoid drinking commercial tomato juice unless it is a “no salt added” variety. If you suffer from migraine headaches, be aware that tomatoes are a trigger in a small percentage of individuals.
    Read more about fruit and vegetable juice
  • Tomato Paste
    Tomato paste is made from ripe tomatoes with the skin and seeds removed. It is a good source of vitamin E, an antioxidant that may help prevent cataracts, macular degeneration, and skin damage. Tomato paste is one of the best sources of the antioxidant lycopene. Tomato paste and other foods rich in lycopene have been thought to protect against certain cancers, including prostate cancer. Tomato paste is also a good source of potassium, a mineral that may help lower blood pressure and preserve bone health. If you suffer from migraine headaches, be aware that tomato paste is a trigger for some people.
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  • Tomato Sauce
    Tomato or marinara sauce is made primarily from ripe tomatoes and is a good source of potassium, a mineral that may help lower blood pressure and preserve bone health. Tomato sauce is also one of the best sources of the antioxidant lycopene. Tomato sauce and other foods rich in lycopene have been thought to protect against certain cancers, including prostate cancer. Be aware, though: Many canned and jarred tomato sauces contain a lot of salt and sugar or high-fructose corn syrup to add more flavor. Look for tomato sauces that are low in sodium and other additives, or make your own at home. If you suffer from migraine ...
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  • Tomatoes
    Though they’re technically a fruit, tomatoes are considered a vegetable due to their savory flavor. Like other nonstarchy vegetables, tomatoes are rich in water and low in calories, making them a great choice for people who are trying to lose weight. They are packed with antioxidants, including vitamin C, lycopene, beta-carotene, and quercetin, which help prevent and manage arthritis, skin, hair, and teeth. Tomatoes also provide potassium, a mineral that may help lower blood pressure and boost bone health. In some individuals with migraines, tomatoes are a trigger food and should be avoided. IBSsufferers take note: ...
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  • Tortillas
    Besides whole-wheat bread and pita, tortillas are another option when making sandwiches. There are many different varieties of tortillas and wraps, including whole wheat, spinach, tomato, and even low-carb. It's important to read the ingredients and nutrition facts of wraps to ensure that the first ingredient listed is a "whole" grain and also to check the calories — many wraps are the equivalent of three slices of bread and could contribute to weight gain if you‘re eating them on a regular basis. If made with whole grains, wraps are a good source of fiber, which helps lower the risk of heart disease and type 2 di...
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  • Tuna
    Tuna is a meaty fish (that’s why it’s often served as tuna steak) that is an excellent source of high-quality protein. Despite its health benefits, most tuna species are high in mercury, and therefore tuna should be eaten only occasionally. When shopping for canned (or pouched) tuna, choose light tuna, which is lower in mercury than albacore/white tuna.
    Read more about fish and shellfish
  • Turkey Bacon
    Turkey bacon is a healthier, lower-calorie and lower-fat alternative to regular pork bacon. That’s because regular pork bacon is high in saturated fat and can increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes, and, when eaten in excess, can contribute to weight gain. Lean turkey bacon is a terrific substitute since it’s lower in fat and calories and a good source of protein. However, turkey bacon is typically very high in sodium, which can raise blood pressure, so enjoy it in moderation.
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  • Turkey Breast
    Turkey breast is an excellent source of lean protein, making it a stellar choice for weight loss and weight management, as well as prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Turkey breast also contains iron and zinc, minerals that prevent macular degeneration and keep hair healthy; selenium, an antioxidant involved in preventing and managing arthritis and maintaining healthy skin; and niacin, a B vitamin that may help prevent cataracts. If you suffer from migraine headaches avoid cured or smoked turkey breast if you find that it’s a personal trigger. Be aware that packaged and deli turke...
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  • Turkey Burgers, Lean
    Turkey burgers made with lean ground turkey (at least 90 percent lean) are packed with protein and contain fewer calories and saturated fat than typical beef burgers, making them a good choice if you’re trying to lose weight, have high cholesterol or blood pressure, or you’re at risk for or have type 2 diabetes.
    Read more about eggs and poultry
  • Turmeric
    Turmeric, sometimes called curcumin, is a mustard-yellow spice from Asia with anti-inflammatory properties that may help prevent and treat arthritis and protect against memory loss. Turmeric is also used as a natural dye, so use caution when handling it — it can discolor clothes, hands, and surfaces. Turmeric is a staple in curry powder and often used when preparing curry.
    Read more about herbs and spices
  • Turnip Greens
    Turnip greens are a leafy green vegetable that come from the tops of turnip bulbs and can be added to salads or sautéed and served as a side dish. They are a good source of antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which help prevent arthritis and maintain healthy eyes, hair, and skin. Turnip greens also contain folate, a B vitamin that may help reduce the risk of heart disease, enhance memory, and improve mood.
    Read more about leafy green vegetables
  • Turnips
    Turnips are a strong-tasting, bulb-shaped root vegetable. Turnips are a good source of vitamin C, an antioxidant that may help prevent and manage arthritis and macular degeneration, as well as help maintain healthy hair and skin. They also contain some antioxidants that may help improve memory. Turnips are commonly served mashed, roasted, or added to stews.
    Read more about vegetables